64 A quality Drum designed for young children. Features a delightful unicorn theme to spark imagination and joy. Produces an excellent, professional sound. Includes a pair of specially designed safety mallets for tiny hands. Unicorn Drum UC486 / 850055558212/ 12m Product: 17.8X2.3X21 cm / 0.145 kg Master: 12 pcs / 37.7x16x20.2 cm / 1.97 kg UC807 / 850055558182/ 18m Product: 21.3X18.5X12 cm / 0.404 kg Master: 12 pcs / 39x37.5x46 cm / 5.65 kg Unicorn Beat An attractive Drum featuring a delightful unicorn design. Gently tilt the Drum to hear the soft, soothing sound of the moving beads.