Halilit Collection 2025

60 Shaking Drum Your baby will enjoy exploring the multisensory effects of this Shaking Drum, as it creates gentle sounds combined with fast and slow movements of colourful beads and shapes. The perfect early ages toy for developing important skills. Visual Stimulating Book included. Tummy time is an important way to help babies reach motor milestones by building upper body strength, lifting their heads, rolling over, reaching out for toys, and eventually crawling. Our Interactive Tummy Time Collection has been created to give your baby many happy moments during this vital growth stage, as adult and baby explore a wonderful world of movement, colours, and sounds together. TT490 / 7290019529071 / 3m Product: 19.3x6.1x21.7 cm / 0.279 kg Master: 12pcs / 53x20.7x24.2 cm / 3.7 kg Tummy Time Collection