54 Animal Shape Shakers Jingle Bells A delightful collection of musical creatures, each with a unique and distinctive sound. Fun Jingle Bells for young children, including three nickel-plated bells and a special textured handle. MP39320 / 7290006631329 / 3m Product: 22X24X10 cm / Max 1.09 kg Master: 240 pcs / 69x25x43 cm / 13.83 kg MP34424 / 7290002582311 / 24m Product: 22X24X10 cm / 1.47 kg Master: 288 pcs / 69x25x43 cm / 19.00 kg Animal Shape Bells Fun animal shapes with 3 shiny bells for a great sound. MP34624 / 7290002582618 / 24m Product: 22X24X10 cm / max 1.88 kg Master: 288 pcs / 69x25x43 cm / 23.36 kg