Halilit Collection 2025

27 Clatter Pillar A quick flick of the wrist and the amazing Clatter Pillar makes a wonderful wave of sounds. MP450 / 7290002582519 / 24m Product: 8.5X2.7X29.5 cm / 0.226 kg Master: 60 pcs / 55.2x31.5x29 cm / 15.68 kg Guiro with a unique fish design. Scrape and rub either end of the mallet along the ridges to produce different sound effects. MP377 / 7290002582366 / 18m Product: 9.8X6.5X24.2 cm / 0.137 kg Master: 36 pcs / 44x40x32 cm / 5.50 kg Fish Guiro 3 Eggs - 3 Sounds A set of 3 Egg Shakers. Each egg produces its own unique sound! This top-quality percussion product is suitable for all ages, with embossed shapes for tactile grip. MP35703 / 7290019529156 / 12m Product: 4.5X4.5X19.9 cm / set 0.076 kg Master: 24 pcs / 27.5x27.5x21.1 cm / 2.10 kg